Sunday, 21 June 2020

Hatching Light and shadow

This assignments was a review on indicating shadow and light by a method of directional hatching and building forms by following the contours of the figure, each study was roughly 45min. The biggest challenge was getting the strokes to describe the direction of the structure of the plane and hatching with consistency as well as with confidence and intent without loosing any of the underlying foundation. I thoroughly enjoyed this assignment and would definitely come back to doing these exercises again in the future as a warm up. It has been a different experience as this method of building form and light has been new to me and something that i wish to continue perhaps implementing in future pieces. Further more continue to develop and build on as i experiment more with this kind of technique and approach.

Hatching Gradients

Practising hatching gradients on these figure silhouette was a great exercise that i would recommend both beginner and seasoned artist try and attempt. It requires paying great attention to how you control the lines and thickness of your strokes whilst attempting to achieve a soft and calm transition of values from dark to light or vice versa. The biggest challenge for me was achieving a smooth gradient with no overlapping dark lines or indecisive stokes without having rough edges. If I was to tackle this assignment again in the future, I would possibly tell myself to be more conscious about the way I apply my strokes and take into account of the direction of the strokes and the density of the lines. I particularly noticed that i struggle doing these digitally and that pencil would be a much easier tool to get the lightness i wanted.