Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Working on those Edges and Values

The past two weeks I have been grinding through a few exercise mainly honing my understanding the fundamental of values and edges. A mixture of assignments from Schoolism and Ctrl+paint. I have definitely learnt a lot of things from these assignments not only did i find them challenging but has helped me to find ways of painting with a more efficient painting process and a better mindset.  

The discovery of the pen tool in the toolkit has changed the way i paint and has helped me greatly to form a variety of soft and hard edges within my work.  

Another area that i would definitely would like to put more attention to is the local colour and contrast of objects at different distances. I currently find distribution of details and textures quite a challenge to balance to a degree that i am satisfied with.

My goal for the upcoming weeks are to work on getting better at relighting scenes and studying different lighting scenarios and source.

Saturday, 8 February 2020

Rendering Complex forms_KidsToyScooter

Hi everyone was unfortunately unable to post last weeks blog post but will update everything i have been working on the past 2 weeks. I have mainly been working on how to render basic and complex forms and material with little more confidence and with efficiency. I have learned that when it comes to rendering any subject patience is key and attention to edges are also key to describing the form as much as the internal contours of the subject and the definition of textures. It looks like based on the feedback i received based on my recent concept that i need to rework on my construction of basic forms in order for me to move on to more complex forms.

Therefore the key focus for next week would be to get better at value distribution of planes. Perhaps take a class from brainstorm and lighting with Sam Neilson.