Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Learning to be patient/ Week 1 Noah's Art Camp

Hi guys

Patience is something that i tend to struggle with especially as a beginner artist. When it comes to creating art, the mind frame and the amount of time spent on each piece has a major factor on the end result.

Lately I cant help notice there is this common trend where everybody is concerned about how quickly they produce work and many of us emerging artist tend to have this notion when we see the work that spring out of pros in the industry that we have to be able to produce work as quickly as they are and do speed-paintings and aim towards an impossible expectation, often crippling and hindering our growth as an artist therefore often leaving many of us disheartened and demotivated when our work doesn't meet up to their standards.

But we must remember these pros have been doing it for years, and speed will come naturally with time,experience, and focusing on learning constantly.
For me it has always been difficult to try and maintain patience when creating art as I'm always anxious to see how final result of the artwork would turn out like and eager to move on to the next piece, however this mentality often left me with dissatisfying results, my edges are messy, my renderings feel rushed and left many of my work a feeling of unfinished, it was frustrating.

One of the best advise I got from another highly experienced artist was to "stop worrying about how long it takes in the beginning" and really think about how to improve the quality with knowledge of fundamentals and good storytelling". That's when I decided that i really should focus on managing time and put more concentration about how to go about accomplishing my the goals i have set out. Often it is very tempting for me to jump in straight-ahead into the piece and start creating, without no planing or reference gathering, which left me wasting lots of valuable time. As a result. I have started to experiment and figure out ways of working at a consistent pace without the temptation to rush through and see what can often trigger the temptation to rush and stress.

So far I have found these to be quite effective to reduce stress levels and temptation to rush.
again these are just my strategies and may or may not work for everyone;
  1. Committing to a scheduled and consistent routine
  2. Taking regular short breaks and hangout with friends
  3. Stopping when you feel rushed or when levels of stress increases
  4. Exercising and staying healthy
  5. Regularly ask for feedback. Especially early on when you haven't committed to a design
  6. Solve fundamental problems one step at a time 
  7. Time yourself for how long it takes you to do a particular task and set time limits accordingly

 These are just some of the strategies i have personally found effective if you guys have any other ideas or thoughts. would love to hear in the comments.

The second part of this blog is my insight into Noah's Art Camp

These are sample of some of the studies i did for the first few days.

Doing these assignments definitely taught me the value of being patient and slow down

Having enrolled in Noah Bradley Art Camp 1 has definitely been the most challenging course I have ever under taken thus far. However It is safe to say I have definitely learned a huge amount of techniques and thought processes within the first week of the course. I consider Noah to be an amazing teacher and artist, the way he explains things and breaks down quite complex concepts into simple bite size chunks is just awesome. Furthermore the community is made up of other fellow artist's hungry to learn, the group are just amazing and so welcoming of new comers, everyone in the community there are so humble and eager to share everything they know, It also took me by surprise to find many other amazing well know illustrators to be chiming in on awesome discussions/chats and giving very valuable and amazing feedback to each artist.Its almost overwhelmingly frighteningly scary but at the same time cool that these industry giants/artist are looking at our work and interact with us quite frequently. Just amazing. artist's that sometimes you feel almost impossible to reach out to are there along with you on the journey to mastery. the group is insanely dedicated and inspiring, fairly small so it really gives us the chance to connect with each other and help each improve quickly.I am very much look-forward for next weeks assignments in completing next weeks assignment titled Sketching From Imagination :) and its insane assignment.

Definitely Check out Noah's Course and what they have to offer.

Each week there are videos covering different exercises to improve your art spanning over 12 weeks with very challenging assignments...and i mean very challenging and almost insane amount of work. But if your eager and hardworking i believe any one can do it.
The level mainly range above intermediate and a good grasp of basic knowledge of fundamentals and basic drawing is essential to really get most out of the course however even beginner artist can still gain a lot from the critiques and feedback videos. If any of you decide to try it out hit me a message, be awesome to learn together and be part of the community.

Thanks for coming to my blog

Happy Painting

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Are you really learning? Or Just mindless copying.Approaching Master Studies:

Hi guys

There are many artist's out there that are kind enough to share their views regarding this topic
This post is mainly a quick view of how i perceive it and my thoughts on the subject.

Just like many things in art there are no wrong or right way to do something,however I do believe that there are more effective and efficient approaches to learning and gaining knowledge, specifically when i study from master paintings my thought process and approach tends to defer from each study i do, and recently I've started to really think how to target specific goals and really think about what i want to achieve and how i can apply it into my own work. Rather than just mindlessly copying and doing master studies for the sake of it. Which ive been mainly guilty of for a longtime, until one day one of my teacher pointed it out to me and helped me really question and understand why we do studies in the first place. 
Often as beginners, when we are told to do master studies we find it difficult or don't really understand the concept of why we do them or to what benefit, we just know we should be doing them.
As mainly a painter myself the general things I like to evaluate when im studying are:
  1. Shape/Design
  2. Patterns/Texture/
  3. Lighting/Composition
  4. Colour
However this will likely be different from artist to artist and what they want to improve. Character orientated artists will likely study anatomy, body language, expressions etc.

For me i think the best way to know if i truly understand something is to not only practice but evaluate whats working and not working in my own work and have someone else whenever possible to have a look for feedback, in case my eyes may not have picked up something. Another good method is to kinda think like an engineer and deconstruct the subject completely and re-merge back together again and then recreate the subject with your own taste from memory.

For me personally ive found writing down a lot of notes and drawing over what im studying has proven to be very effective and has made impact on my own work.
Now there's a question of how long should i spend time studying and for me personally it changes depending on what iam struggling with but most of time i try to keep it under 1hour, also recent  scientific study suggested that the brain can only attain 4 hours of information before it needs to rest and retain new information and re-energize. Also these days i like to paint only maybe a portion of the painting if specifically if i want to learn to paint certain materials or texture. Sam Nielson's sphere tests an awesome and quick way of experimenting with aspects of light, colour texture all together at once because you don't have to spend too much time rendering everything from your reference but only pick portions of the image and try to replicate the finish or visual appeal only on the sphere ball. 

Well there we go there's just a quick and very brief summary of how i like to study for the time being and i continuously try to develop my approach and learn from others in order to find a more effective way. 

Would love to hear your thoughts on how you guys like to study. Feel free to comment below.
 Also if you want to hear from more inspirational and more awesome ways of studying effectively from other artists, i definitely recommended these two amazing people and listen to what they have to say on this matter.
Noah Bradley

Anthony Jones

Now.. next time you sit down to study try asking yourself "am I really learning or just mindlessly copying"

Thanks for coming to my blog 

Happy Painting :)

Oliver Tsujino


Sunday, 13 August 2017

Oliver Tsujino Art Journey: Introduction !!

Hello fellow artisans and art enthusiast!!:)

My name is Oliver Tsujino

Welcome to my blog, here i share everything and anything i know about art and my artistic journey, in hopes to help and inspire others on their own artistic pursuit and also for the opportunity to connect with passionate like minded people and make new friends along the way as we strive together in this life long journey.

Now a bit about me...Dont wanna bore you so ill keep it short and sweet :), I am a half Japanese and English artist from the UK currently residing in Vancouver Canada, enrolled in the Animation and Concept Art program at Vancouver Film School and striving towards finding a future career in the arts and entertainment industry. I have a life long passion for visual story telling and illustration, mainly in the field of fantasy and science fiction genre. I have also been a huge Game of Thrones and Lord of the rings geek for as long as i can remember. They have a been huge influence in my life and in work along with Asian culture , as you may have guessed by the following painting.

Journey to Shuri Valley
My Latest illustration
Along with what has already been mentioned above my soul purpose for starting this blog is mainly to connect with new aspiring artists and at the best of my ability and experience to support those who are struggling to find a path or direction.

 Now a foreword note in no way do i consider myself to be a seasoned professional in the industry or experienced artist by any regard, but we all have to start somewhere even the most high caliber professional artist would have possibly started out with small $5 commissions for their grandmas portrait, well that's where i started out lol. commissions have continued to have grown over time as i started to develop my skill and grow as an artist.

I believe we can all learn something from everyone regardless of skill level or experience, that is why my hopes for this blog is not for you to take my word and for me to say of what you should or shouldnt do at a literal sense but more to see it of as an eye opener or a opportunity to create an open discussion for everyone to learn from. Everyone's journey is going to be different there is no wrong or right way in the pursuit of ultimate artistry, however there are some certain obstacles in life that can hinder and eventually stop you from pursuing your goals.

I feel very lucky and fortunate to have met some very inspiring and incredibly humble and hard working artists unfortunately of artist i have no right to reveal their names. Almost everything that i put on this blog will be passed down by these artist who have helped me excel quickly in my artistic ability and have shared valuable knowledge that has pushed me and kept me motivated till this day and my goals are to passe those advice and tips to you and learn together.

Okay i have a whole agenda of topics and discussion for future blogs such as staying motivated, finding good, resources etc. I shall try my best to post weekly. feel free to comment for suggestion or anything you want to share email me or you find me on


Thanks for coming to the blog guys
Happy Painting\

Oliver Tsujino